Saints row 2 pc optimization
Saints row 2 pc optimization

Openly determined to repent for the shortcomings of the previous instalment’s port, Volition took it upon itself to develop the PC release in-house, to avoid the stigma of “port” altogether. Post-modernist musings aside, this third iteration in the series has been a pleasant surprise on the PC platform. If the Grand Theft Auto series can be seen as a humorous and crudely sophisticated abstraction from reality, then the Saints Row franchise can be considered another maddened extraction derived from that.

saints row 2 pc optimization saints row 2 pc optimization

Plunging past shipping containers and burning debris miles above the skyline of Steelport just minutes into the campaign, it seems that Saints Row: The Third is the type of game Niko Bellic might well enjoy.

Saints row 2 pc optimization